After the cities, four main parties – Tolka and the woman; Aldo; The Elder Man and Quanxi – all prepare to hunt Denji. Elsewhere in the building, Makima walks through a cluster of doll-like corpses. He orders Beam and Prince to go protect Denji, while protecting the other Hunters is a secondary objective.At the department store An older man watches Denji and the others from the window. From a distance, she commands her dolls to attack the group as soon as they enter the building. Following the group inside, the doll’s arms curl into blades. However, when they walk through the door, Kusakabe is revealed crouching inside the ritual circle. Use the power of the Stone Devil to petrify the dolls. Yoshida explains the doll’s devil power, saying that if they touch any part of a person (including clothing), they will turn into a subservient doll. As Aki suggests that the amount that could be produced would be limited, a large swarm of dolls suddenly burst through the windows and rush towards the group.As he runs to the second floor, Power is suddenly grabbed. As she and Denji tear the dolls apart, Kusakabe realizes that the Fiends are probably immune to the dolls’ devil powers. As another swarm, a Hunter named Nakamura suddenly appears and summons a Fox Devil to sweep them away. Tamaoki explains that there were Hunters in every building on the street and that the real purpose of the mission was to hunt down the killer who created the dolls: Santa Claus. He explains that those turned into Dolls can never be restored, noting that the short-range abilities mean the killer is nearby, and apologizes to Denji for using him as bait.A woman sits in a nearby amusement park and waits. Nearby, Tolko clutches a nail and prepares it for Denji. In the department store bathroom, Aldo sits and prepares for the coming conflict. The older man calls in more doll swimming to attack while Kobeni tries to fix the dent in her car and Quanxi prepares to hunt.